Big Moon, Babies and a Rejection of DST

Did you see the size of that moon?

So I called my brother on the telephone expecting to chat; his wife was expecting their third child soon and I wanted to catch up a bit. Rich tells me that he’s on the way home after looking for an accessory for the baby’s bassinet since he’s rolling around…
I wasn’t sure if I heard him correctly, but I did. His wife delivered Kaleb a couple of days before and he put photos up on his “facebook wall”… Didn’t I see them, he asked? No.
I see the value in facebook now; if I hadn’t signed up I might not have found out about the newborn until Christmas.

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In all seriousness- Congratulations Nicole and Richard (parents) and Jorden and Jayden (sisters)! I love you all!

In other news- I refuse to set my time pieces ahead.
I have three manually-set clocks and I’m fed up with this big government and it’s demand to redefine the range of daylight. Is this what my tax dollars are paying for?
Ok; I’ll probably reset my clocks today, no worries.
btw- The shop is open 2-7pm today.

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Plants are starting to grow.

When I first opened Yojimbo’s Garage, in the late 90’s and early 00’s, I took photographs of most of the customers who bought bikes from the shop. At some point I stopped, switched over to digital… And was just thinking about how thousands of customers and friends have passed through the doors in the last few years and how I hadn’t documented much with the camera.
Well, here are a few recent visitors:

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UPDATE:  I forgot to mention the Gapers Block Crits
Every day all week- sanctioned criterium racing on Chicago’s South Side (Calumet Park), excellent opportunity for juniors, women and beginner and sandbagger men 😉

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