First kind-of real post.
Welcome to my new blog; thanks for stopping in.
This blog is young and in need of attention so stay tuned for updates and feel free to suggest content directions.
Two important announcements: One, the schedule is changing (see above) and second, the Winter Sale is going strong with everything in stock 25-65% off- all bikes, all wheels, all accessories, everything; older new bikes and equipment are more heavily discounted. Call for more details.
While most of the site’s pages will be shop oriented, I’m excited about getting a bit off topic or overly topical in the blog. Life isn’t only about bicycles, after all. I’m not sure where this blog is going but I plan on discussing many topics that are interesting to me. I doubt I’ll post too often but you can sign up for RSS if you want to stay on top of it. I was thinking about keeping comments open (probably with 1st post needing acceptance) and invite discussion and feedback about the posts or other pages though the comments or by email … The site is currently a work in progress so your feedback about any aspect is appreciated.
See you at the shop.
All my best -Marcus